i waNna sHow yOU a suuuper taLenteD and inspiring arTist!!!! mY beSt fLickr friend Manon frOm berLin! Her stUFf is aLwaYs the grEAtest! ..eVen witH tHose poopy SCRAPbookINg conditions iN gerManY!!! you can even find the tutorials for those awesome rubber stamps and the adorable embellished paper clip on her blog. she shows everything on pictures! super easy to understand for those like me who akways trouble with that. arEn't theY gorgeous???? go aNd check out her blog.. or her flickr side!! she rocks!!!

tHese cute stIckerS aNd buttOns arE jUst twO oF a wHoLe bunch oF aWesome tHIngs yOU caN bUy at tHe MAUSTUDIO etsy sTore i reCentLy discOVered! i LOve tHose litTle aniMaLs! tHe sHop Has aLso a weBsite
http://www.maustudio.com/!!! go and chEck iT out!!!!

i hope yOU wiLL fiNd a wHoLe lot oF inspiratiOns aNd maYbe sOMe neW stuFF tO trY ouT oR buY!!!
1 comment:
ok cool. Wie sagt man so schön. This made my day. Danke dir ganz dolle. macht mich ja voll glücklich sowas zu lesen.
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