WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

beautiful little things..

hEre in iOwa iT iS sNowing rigHt noW.. so hArd tHat i caN haRdLy sEE tHe ouT of mY winDow.. tHis goT mE looKing aRound my desK trYing to FiNd coLor aNd sOmethiNg MorE inSpirIng tHan a sNowstOrm!!!
i fOUnd aLl tHos bursting cOLorfuLL thIngs oN mY desK aNd i jusT haD to pictUre tHem.. fOr a cOLorburst tOdaY aNd aLl tHose sNowy daYs tO coME!!!

tHese aRE tHe leFtovER eMbeLLishMents frOm tHe nov DOZENS kit! i sO haVe tO scRAp moRe!!!

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