WE can solve the climate crisis
Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
PS i LoVe yOU
aNd hERe iT is.. mY reViEW oF pS i LovE yOU!
aNd i HavE tO saY tHat tHe moVie kiNDa sTArteD ouT a LittLe weiRd bUt aFter 30 MinuTes i Just loveD it. GerArd ButLer iS sooooooooo AWESOME ladies.. aNd so iS tHe gUy sHe meeTs iN iReLand. i WaS abOUt tO gO tO a trAveL ageNcY aNd gET me a fLighT tIckEt wHen tHe movie wAs oVer. tHe moVie wAs veRy saD anD funnY aNd oH gOd soooo roMaNtic aNd iT maKes yoU tHink aBout hoW sHort LifE caN bE aNd how Much yOU waNNa hOLd yOUr huSbanD wHen yOU cOme home! I lovEd tHe moVie.. aNd i gONNa gEt iT oN dvd.. fOr suRe!

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ach menno jetzt, nachdem die hier in dtl den film auch mal vorgestellt haben, weiß ich auch worum es da geht.
ich werd mir den wohl eher nicht anschauen. bin ja nicht mal über die ersten 10 seiten gekommen ohne ständig zu heulen.
yes.. i cried the whole time too watching that movie.. but the film is really cute! and that dead husband is sooooo delicious!
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