iT's moNdaY morNing aNd i sO haVe tO sHare sOme creAtivitY frOm thE wEEkenD! fiRSt i gOt mY chRisTmaS prEsenT frOm mY hUSbanD.. fInaLLy! aMazOn muSt haVe beeN prEttY buSY aNd sO i HaD tO waIt qUite a wHiLe foR mY tWo aWEsome seWiNG bOoks!
beNd tHe ruLes anD sImpLe sEWing! oH mY goSH dO i Love tHese books.. MuCh tHat i HaD to dO oNe oF tHE prOJecTs riGHt aWaY!
it'S a sMockET. a liTtLe biG fOr aLLy riGht nOW buT unTiL wE wiLL bE abLe tO uSe iT foR pAintinG aNd craFtinG toGetHer.. iT wiLL fiT!
i hAD sO mUch fUn doiNg it.. aNd tHat's wHy i maDe anOTher sMocket riGht tHe neXt nigHt. tHis tiMe i uSEd a paTTern frOm the SEW MAMA SEW weBpaGe! tHat sidE iS sO aWEsome as weLL! LovE aLL tHeir pATTErns.

thiS sMockeT is Not dOne yeT.. a PockEt uP frOnt is MissIng bUt I gueSS yOU caN teLL hoW it wiLL looK iN tHe enD. kiNda prouD oF mYself cAuSE wHo KnoWs mE knOws thAT i waS aLwaYs afRaid oF seWing anD mad caUse mY mom aNd mY granDma aRE so taLented seWerS aND makE sO maNy aWEsoMe stuFF! i oF cOUrse haD tO sKYpe mY faMiLy riGht awAy aNd sHowed THem tHe smOckets..

okaY bUT nOw tO mY biGGest paSSion.. scRApbOOking! i maDe a New chALLenge foR tHE *deViLish*scRapaLicioUs* group ovEr aT fLickr. yOu cOuLd eiTHer scRAp aBouT yOUr go gREEn rESoLutioN foR 2008 oR a nEW yEars rESoLutioN yOU aLWayS maKe aNd neVer keeP! nOBodY paRTiciPatEd yeT bUT oh WeLL.. i Made mY laYouts anYwaY. aNd hERe theY are!

hOpe i cOuLd insPire soMe peOpLe witH iT aNd maYbe sOmebodY wiLL shOw off tHeiR laYout at THe grOUps paGE!
tOniGht i aM sO LookIng forWARd to seeIng tHe mOvie *ps i love you*.. wiLL posT tOmorrOW How i Liked tHE moviE! bEt iT's gOnna bE greAt!