WE can solve the climate crisis
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My siSter in-law borrowed tHe first sEason frOm heR friEnd wE aLL juST haPpend to siT in tHe liviNg rOom wHen sHe waTched it. i caN teLL yOU that much.. wE didN't lEFt untiL vERy laTe tHat nigHt! eVen mY dad in Law wHo norMally woRks raTher on tHe hOUse tHan waTches tv wOUldn't gET Up aNd stOp waTching.
tHis sHow keePs YOu pARaLizEd until iT's oVer!!! what sHows aRe You hooked tO????
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
beautiful little things..
i fOUnd aLl tHos bursting cOLorfuLL thIngs oN mY desK aNd i jusT haD to pictUre tHem.. fOr a cOLorburst tOdaY aNd aLl tHose sNowy daYs tO coME!!!
tHese aRE tHe leFtovER eMbeLLishMents frOm tHe nov DOZENS kit! i sO haVe tO scRAp moRe!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
this is... what scares me
Friday, January 25, 2008
NYI and i love painting
Thursday, January 24, 2008
tHese cute stIckerS aNd buttOns arE jUst twO oF a wHoLe bunch oF aWesome tHIngs yOU caN bUy at tHe MAUSTUDIO etsy sTore i reCentLy discOVered! i LOve tHose litTle aniMaLs! tHe sHop Has aLso a weBsite http://www.maustudio.com/!!! go and chEck iT out!!!!
i hope yOU wiLL fiNd a wHoLe lot oF inspiratiOns aNd maYbe sOMe neW stuFF tO trY ouT oR buY!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
got mojo???
Monday, January 21, 2008
tHis is.. mY favourite cup!
..aNd this cuP heRe iS mY favOUriTe riGht now!!! i GoT tHe cuP aT taRGet laSt week! taRgET iS sooo mY ruine!!!! aLso boUgHt thaT cute pLacEmat theRe.. tHis sTore iS juST too good!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
juHu i gOt mY fiSh eYe leNs
oF cOUrse i hAD tO tRy iT oN my neW laYout AS weLL..
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Rise against
i tHink frOm tOdaY oN i aLwaYs wiLl have a viDEo noW iN tHe beginning oF mY bLog.. gOnna cHangE iT frOm tiMe tO tiMe juSt Like mY faVouRiteS chanGE too aLl noSe lOng! i hOpe yOu liKe mY tAste oF muSic..
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
PS i LoVe yOU
Monday, January 7, 2008
heLLo heLLo heLLo
it'S a sMockET. a liTtLe biG fOr aLLy riGht nOW buT unTiL wE wiLL bE abLe tO uSe iT foR pAintinG aNd craFtinG toGetHer.. iT wiLL fiT!i hAD sO mUch fUn doiNg it.. aNd tHat's wHy i maDe anOTher sMocket riGht tHe neXt nigHt. tHis tiMe i uSEd a paTTern frOm the SEW MAMA SEW weBpaGe! tHat sidE iS sO aWEsome as weLL! LovE aLL tHeir pATTErns.
thiS sMockeT is Not dOne yeT.. a PockEt uP frOnt is MissIng bUt I gueSS yOU caN teLL hoW it wiLL looK iN tHe enD. kiNda prouD oF mYself cAuSE wHo KnoWs mE knOws thAT i waS aLwaYs afRaid oF seWing anD mad caUse mY mom aNd mY granDma aRE so taLented seWerS aND makE sO maNy aWEsoMe stuFF! i oF cOUrse haD tO sKYpe mY faMiLy riGht awAy aNd sHowed THem tHe smOckets..
okaY bUT nOw tO mY biGGest paSSion.. scRApbOOking! i maDe a New chALLenge foR tHE *deViLish*scRapaLicioUs* group ovEr aT fLickr. yOu cOuLd eiTHer scRAp aBouT yOUr go gREEn rESoLutioN foR 2008 oR a nEW yEars rESoLutioN yOU aLWayS maKe aNd neVer keeP! nOBodY paRTiciPatEd yeT bUT oh WeLL.. i Made mY laYouts anYwaY. aNd hERe theY are!
hOpe i cOuLd insPire soMe peOpLe witH iT aNd maYbe sOmebodY wiLL shOw off tHeiR laYout at THe grOUps paGE!
tOniGht i aM sO LookIng forWARd to seeIng tHe mOvie *ps i love you*.. wiLL posT tOmorrOW How i Liked tHE moviE! bEt iT's gOnna bE greAt!