WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Monday, January 28, 2008

this is... what scares me

tHis tiMe it waS kinda hARd fOr me tO even tAke a picture abOUt it! i aM soooo SCareD bY hoRRor books aNd movIes! tHis sTArted wIth mY pregnanCY anD iT is stiLL goiNg on! i loVed to reAd books wiTh serIaL kiLlers and forEnsic stUff in it buT noW i dOn't eVen waNna looK aT the bOOks anymoRe! i neVer reaLly been in tO horror moVies buT sinCe i waTched tHe grUdGe witH my huSband i rEfuse tO waTch one siNgle hoRRor moVies moRE in My liFe! liFe iS too sHOrt to waSte iT witH tHis siCK stuFF theY shOw theRE! hOrror moVies neVer been a WAlt dISneY fiLm buT iT seEms tO geT sicKer eVery tIme tHey brIng ouT a NEW one aNd 1. iT sCAres tHE sH... ouT oF me aNd 2. i dOn't feEL enTertaiNet bY wAtchinG peOPle sawIng oFF theIr own arM.

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