WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

got mojo???

I pARticiPated oVer aT the GOT MOJO?? blog at their challenge nuMbER 7! use tRasH and a stApLer on yOUr laYout! fuN fUN fUn! i diggEd riGHt iNto mY gARbage caN undEr mY desk! tHank gOd i have a paPer gArbaGe.. oTherWise tHe laYout wOuLd haVe been deCorATed wiTh embellishments full of BabY cookie muNch!!!
oH.. anD sOmethIng eLse excitinG haPPend yEsterdaY! i gOt mY diEt piLLs anD toDAy wAs mY fiRst daY!!! dO nOt reaLLy feeL anY diFFereNt.. buT bETter tHan haVing siDE effects! i aLso diD a LittLe wOrkout tOdAY aNd i siGned uP tO tHe 4 wEEk aLl oVer maKe-oVer aT tHe fiTness magazine weBsite!
CAuse.. 4 wEEks aNd i aM boARding tHe pLane hOme!!! aNd i gONNa gO ouT wiTh mY giRLs.. a LOT! aNd i haVe tO looK aT leASt a liTTle biT liKe i diD bEFOre baBY! so wIsh me luCK!


Manon said...

na dann wünsch ich dir viel glück beim Abnehmen auch wenn ich glaube ohne Pillen würdest du da auch schaffen.

Das wird schon.Einfach nicht die Kekse von Ally wegfuttern *lol*

Unknown said...

This is great! I am lovin the colors!

Thanks for playing!

Jessica said...

awesome job!!! thanks for playing along with us!!!!!

jess (scrapmojo)

Micayla said...

Love, love love it girl!!!
You rocked those thickers bits!!!!
Thanks for playing along!
Micayla (scrapmojo)

Kristi said...

Super cute use of your thickers labels!

Christina C. said...

very cute. love how funky and fun this is.


Lindsay said...

This layout is very cool! Thanks for joining in on all the Mojo fun! Good luck with the diet and exercise!

ps...love your blog! So full of color!