WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Friday, January 25, 2008

NYI and i love painting

sO todAy was suuuuper eXcitiNg fOr me.. but first i waNna sHow yOU mY fiRst paiNting witH acriLic paiNt EVER! got insPired bY oNe oF aLLy's pixi bOOks aNd i tHOught i juSt gOnna trY iT out! i Bet daLi wouLdn't bE muCh imPressed wiTh mE.. buT i aM!

aNd now tHe suuuper exciting neWs! i jusT eNroLLed iNto tHe nEW YorK Intitute of Photography aNd i gOnna atteNd a proFessiOnaL photography cOurse oNLine! i aM sooo suPer exciTEd! i aLways wanted tO imprOve mY skiLLs aNd leARn frOm sCRatch everytHinG aBout a caMera! but in gERmanY iT wAs aLwayS too diFFicult to gET a tRAineesHip aT a prOfessiOnaL pHotographer! tHat cOUrse taKes about a yEAr sO i hOpe tHat frOm mOnth tO moNth i gOnna be aBLe tO sHow yOU moRe aNd moRe beTTEr pictureS!!!!
Oh.. aNd sometHin suPer tragic haPPend tHis week as weLL!!! mY favOUrite... cUP!!!!! DIED a VERY awfuL aNd draMatic waY!! juST a daY afTer sHooting hER picture sHe deCided to jumP frOm mY countERtop!
REST iN PEACE beloved coffe mug.. iT waS a sHort buT verY very joYful tIme witH you!

1 comment:

Manon said...

cooles bild.
bin ja mal gespannt wie der fotokurs wird. ich find hier auch nicht wirklich was um besser zu werden (obwohl in berlin bestimmt eher was zu finden ist wie in NB)
Das mit deiner Tasse ist ja mal voll doof. Wenn meine lieblingstasse von mir gehen würde wär ich wirklich voll schlecht drauf. auch wenn ich noch zig tassen im schrank hab die toll sind.