WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekend is over..

... aNd acTualLy i Got a Lot dOnE! i ShoT sOME piCTures oF mE (meINewEniGkeiT) anD eveN a fUn litTle famiLiE PicTure!

iT is propaBlY nOt tHE beSt fAmiLie PictURe evEr.. bUT iT sHows exacTlY hOw wE arE!!! CHaoTIC!! tOTallY!!!
aND tHIs is mY fIrsT laYout cREAted wITh thE RED VELVET KIT cLUB kit! i Had suCH a LOt of FUn!! it tOOk me a WHilE tO deCIde oN wHeteR i PUT thE hEARTs In the PictUre oR On tHe edGE, bUt iN thE enD I weNT wiTH thE edGE! tHInk It wAS a gOOd decisION!
.. oH anD hERE tHE laYoUTs wITH the DOZENS dECEMBeR Kit!! I lovE iT too!! ANd I lOvEd tHE greEn anD brOWN paTTERnEd PapER cOMbo so MUch thaT I maDE a pICTurE coLLagE in THe sAMe coLORs!!! (abovE) hAD a LOT oF fuN!!

.. mY seLF PicTURe pEEk tHRU tHE bAThrOOm MirRor crEATiON!!!

i PartICIpatED aT oNe oF thOse OnlinE clASSes oVer at PUppy INk! AnD thiS iS whAT I kinDA cAMe up WitH, witH noT foLLOwinG thE ruLes! it's nOt dOne yet!

YEP.. sO i hAD a bUSY wEEKenD anD cAUse oF alL THE sNOw they saY wiLL faLL in IowA, i HOpe I wiLL hAVe a lOT of tIme fOr scRApBOOkinG tHIs wEEk aS wELL! nEEd tO mAKe mY SNOWDAY miniAlbUm fOR *dEVIlish*scRAPalIcIOus*!!!!!

anD I DEFinetLY nEEd tO plaY soMe moRE witH thE KitS!!!!

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