i gOt mY deCembeR kiTs frOm thE dOzen anD tHe reD veLvet kiT cLub yesTerDaY.. i Am sOO exciTed! aNd mY besT friEnd aLi haD heR birThdaY aNd caUse iT iS mE.. heR pacKagE iS stiLL aT mY hoUse anD not yeT On thE waY to gerMany... buT tHis giVes mE tiMe tiLL moNday tO fiNish ofF aN exTra preSeNt i juSt gOt iNspiRed toO tHis mOrNinG! ...so YES tHiS is hopEfuLlY goiNg tO bE a veRy creATive weEkeNd... hEre mY fIRst pLaYfuL triEs oF maKinG tHe reDvelVetKiT wOrk wiTh oNe oF alLYs fIrst sNowpiCtuRes tHis YeAR. .. aNd hERe iS mY kiT cHaos oN alLYs cHanGiNg taBle.. sHe iS anYwaYs tOO biG fOr iT aNd waY toO acTiVe
Hi i am Anne Reuter! I am 25 years old, a mother of a cute little girl called Ally and a wife of an awesome husband named Jonathon! I am originally from Germany but after my husband left the Army we decided to move to his hometown in Iowa. My biggest passion in life next to family and friends is PHOTOGRAPHY! I just started my own little Photography business here in my hometown, and i am super excited about what 2008 is holding for me..
If you want to see what i do for business.. check out my client blog!
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