WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

this is.. my latest discovery

My latest discovery is.. that i can watch german tv online here in America.

And you know what.. that makes me sooooo happy! I feel so much closer now to home since i can watch some of my favourite show again!!! I hope that internet tv will get more and more popular and they will continue this forever..

Thank you so much to Enni from Germany, who whispered me this little non-secret over at my Scrap the night away blog!!!! Saved kinda my freetime, Enni!! And my germany-blues!!!!


Maureen Reynolds said...

Will try to remember this if I ever meet a German speaker round here.

Anonymous said...

I love how media and communication is global. I listen to my BIL, he is a radio announcer in Canada, and I listen to him in my little home out the middle of nowhere in Australia. Awesome. thanks for sharing your discovery.