WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i got tagged..

by Christina&David !! how fun! took me a little while but today i am finally doing it.. so here we go!

six VERY unimPorTand and bOrinG tHinGs abOUt me!

1. i am addicted to ORBIT balance cHeWing gUm
2. i alwaYs gEt swiRls iN mY hAir dOwn bY mY necK!!!! hATE iT!!!
3. i haTe to sHoWer iN wiNter aNd i LovE to iN sUMmeR
4. i loVe sNowdaYs wHere tHere is no scHooL aNd i CaN scRApbOOk aLL daY
5. i wAtcH bAvarian mOviEs aLL tHe timE wHen mY huSbanD iS ouT foR woRk.. keePs
baVaRia cLose
6. in sUmmer i wAke uP wiTh tHe sunRise caUse i AM sCarEd to miSS sOmethinG or tO
WaSte aNY oF tHat beauTifuL suMmer daY

so How inTereSting.. ha!

aNd heRE tHe peOpLe i taGGed...

1. Beth Jansen
2. manon
3. Rachel
4. Anna Maria Horner
5. Sandi Henderson
6. Denise Bovee

so that was it!

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