WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

iT staRTs tO loOK a LOt liKe cHRistmaS..

jUst oNe moRE daY aNd cHristmaS is hERE... i HavE alL mY prESentS toGethER anD eVEn tHe chRistmaS trEE up! noRMaLLY jON aND mE gO chrIstMas prESents sHoppinG tHe daY of! kiNdA miSS thIs traDitIOn! aNd alsO tHe xMaS cOffE aNd cookiES aT tHe dINer LaTer on! tHis iS wHy thIs yEAr wE stARTEd a NeW traDitiON.. We dECk tHe tREe tOgeTher aS a fAMily anD i Make rOseMarY cHicken aND potAToeS aNd wE haVe a gOOd tIme!
tHis kiNda insPIred mE tO maKE a famiLy laYout.. anD hERE it iS. crEATed witH thedozens DeC kiT! haD a Lot oF fuN dOing iT!

..anD caUse aLLy haD thAT LiTtLe figHT witH hEr bUddY i waNteD tO dO soMethIng fOR hER too! AnD i MaDE heR thIs liTTle doorHanger! tRieD to UsE aS mUCh lOVe elSIE as i cOULd dO! aNd i uSEd thE cRYStaL cLEaR gLazE oN mY paInted chIpboaRD leTTERs fOR the fiRSt tiMe.. anD yeP tHis iS eXActLY How i WANt tHem to LOok! shInY! wOrks peRfect!

iF i don'T wriTe tOmorroW i saY iT noW....

MERRY HO HO to EVErYbodY!!!!

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