WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Monday, December 17, 2007

creAtiVe cREaTiVe cReaTivE

i tOOk One oF tHe poppY ink cLassEs aNd i LoVe tO jUst dO whATevEr wiTh iT!
oH aNd tHis hEre iS aGaiN a TrY tO gO diGitAl anD a liTtLe trY tO geT inTO a cREAtivE deSiGn tEAM! gOt tHis "believe" kiT aT diGitaL caNdY aNd pLaYed wiTh iT!!! i LovE iT!!! i HOpe tHeY wiLL lOve iT tOO!

mY liTTLe sis! tHe wiRBelwiND!

oH heLLo.. mE agAin! nOT tHat i Don'T haVe eNouGh piCs oF mYseLf!

tHis wEEkenD i Had sO muCh fuN sCRappiNG anD sURfiNg tHE inTErneT fOR neW inSpiraTioNS!!! i diD sET uP a Link tO sOme oF mY faVouRitE sCrapbOOKIng bLogs!! pLeaSe chEck tHEm OUT!!! theY rOck...

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