so my first thoughts about my perfect dinner party went immediately to my old friends and the wish to get us all together again and have a good time!
so here my guest list..
first of course my two best friends ALI und TINA! no party without my girls. What a happy person i am to have two sooo close people in my life even if we are continents apart!

and no party without fabio... of course! i think i can start to put the Jägermeister into the freezer. as you can see he is now a barkeeper in the ESCO bar. So if you will ever happen to be in Regensburg/Bavaria.. than of course you have to go and visit him.. he love's women..

...and than of course my special five! those four guys have to come and i hope we would be able to catch up on old good times!

..and Jon and mine dearest friends Ilihana and Daniel. We can't wait until they move to Texas and we are not seperated by an ocean anymore! Just by a couple (ha ha) of states!
Michael on of my special five's.. he has to get named seperate cause he is family. Would have almost been my brother in law.. but oh well.. i think the girl he is dating now is perfect for him. Even if she is not my sister!
and of course the guys jonathon worked with in germany/hohenfels! we had so many fun party's with them in this small time! and Jonathon even more fun experiences with them laying in the mud side by side.
A very special friend of Jonathon.. Afoa.
... the rest of the party! What a fun fun party that would be..!!!!
OH and the live music of course would come from the FOUR DRUNKEN DADDIES.. Fabio's band!
so LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i wish i could only invite my old figure too!!!! lol)
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