"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

Thank god for Oprah and here wise decision to choose this book for her Book Club, cause i would have never picked it up in a bookstore myself. If you haven't read it by now.. please go to the store right now and get it! It is so important for everyone in this world.

i have to say it is sometimes a little hard for me to understand everything, but thank god again for Oprah, she has that Class going, where Eckhart and Oprah are both answering questions and explaining it step by step. Even my husband joined me yesterday evening to watch the class online! And how crazy, people all over the world are online with you watching the class and joining in and getting awaken to their lifes purpose! really.. go and check it out! and don't you think i am a freak or so.. this is really nothing weird at all!

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