have you noticed that i am slightly addicted to chewing gum. the only problem is, that it is german chewing gum and so far not produced here in the usa. as far as i know. so hello care-packages from mama and grandma!
oh and i also right now need that little blue pregnancy fairy i got froma dear friend in germany.. when i was pregnant with Ally. Cause Ally is terribly ill and suffers sooo bad from it. She got the flu bug kinda combinated with an ear infection. gosh i wish we would already been to the doctor and she would feel good again. my poor little thing.
so the pregnancy fairy is another cute story.. i got her from Franzi in hope she would bring me luck. i had a little terrifying start with Ally, cause i figured out that i was pregnant way to early. And so when i came to the doctor for the first check, he couldn't see anything yet and something with the pregnancy hormons in my blood weren't right either.. so he thought it could be that the egg is not where it is supposed to be but somewhere on the left or right.. which would mean i had to get surgery and i would loose the baby.
we were so sad and i had to go to the hospital every second day to get my blood checked if the hormons doubled and than in maybe a week or two they said that they could tell me more. so the day i went to have a ultrasound she gave me that little fairy and wished Ally and me all luck in the world.. and later on in the ultrasound.. there was Ally.. at the right spot, just a little later than the doctor predicted. so this little fairy is very important to us and whenever somebody in the family is in need of her, she walks along with them for that while!