WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Monday, March 31, 2008

this is.. the content of my handbag!

oh this is almost a little emberassing this is.. i have so much crab in my bag it is unbelievable. my husband always calls my bag.. a grandma Coppinger bag cause it is so heavy and when i take the bag it looks like i am moving in somewhere. but all the things are really needed! i need lotion, my ipod, lipglosses, sunglasses, hats, my glasses, the bag for groceries (cause i am green) and all that other wonderful stuff.
have you noticed that i am slightly addicted to chewing gum. the only problem is, that it is german chewing gum and so far not produced here in the usa. as far as i know. so hello care-packages from mama and grandma!

oh and i also right now need that little blue pregnancy fairy i got froma dear friend in germany.. when i was pregnant with Ally. Cause Ally is terribly ill and suffers sooo bad from it. She got the flu bug kinda combinated with an ear infection. gosh i wish we would already been to the doctor and she would feel good again. my poor little thing.

so the pregnancy fairy is another cute story.. i got her from Franzi in hope she would bring me luck. i had a little terrifying start with Ally, cause i figured out that i was pregnant way to early. And so when i came to the doctor for the first check, he couldn't see anything yet and something with the pregnancy hormons in my blood weren't right either.. so he thought it could be that the egg is not where it is supposed to be but somewhere on the left or right.. which would mean i had to get surgery and i would loose the baby.

we were so sad and i had to go to the hospital every second day to get my blood checked if the hormons doubled and than in maybe a week or two they said that they could tell me more. so the day i went to have a ultrasound she gave me that little fairy and wished Ally and me all luck in the world.. and later on in the ultrasound.. there was Ally.. at the right spot, just a little later than the doctor predicted. so this little fairy is very important to us and whenever somebody in the family is in need of her, she walks along with them for that while!

Monday, March 24, 2008

this is.. my demon!!!

i don't even have to think about it for too long! My demon's are the monthly scrapbooking kits! I can't get enough of them.. and my husband, every beginning of the month is about to kill me.
oh well.. everybody needs to have a demon..

Saturday, March 22, 2008

fun fun fun

i just discovered that Mikaela over at *Music makes the people come together* posted a new challenge! i guess it is already a while ago but i am pretty sure we got till the end of the month to participate!
So you have to get inspired by Madonna's song SORRY! i have to try doing it without hearing it.. cause i can't hear that song anymore! Was quite too often in my music box! lol But i can't wait to get funky with Madonna!

so check her blog out!

While that i try to find my style again.. must have lost it somewhere on the way to germany or from! hmm... it is right now a little frustrating to kinda start over again.. i look at all my old coloful layouts and i think and think and think.. how the heck did i doo that! or did i even come up with it! Did you ever experienced that too.. next time i am somewhere for more that 2 days, i bring some Scrapbook stuff! kannste glauben... (=german)

and what would be a blog entry without a picture..

Did i even told you what a talented hubby i have.. while i was gone he builted me a living room table i was urging for the whole time since we moved in here last year! i love the rustic feel to it! And there is still some iron missing on both sides of the table! this gonna make it even more rustic and beautiful! i am so proud at it!

and here a picture of my daugther Ally and my grandma while we were home in germany. my grandma is my mama mama, cause i lived at her house for a couple of years during the week, cause my parents where busy working and studying. So it is something totally special to me to see those two people beeing together! can't wait to fly home again sometime!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

i so need to share somebody so talented with you!

Her name is Kina Grannis and she is amazingly talented!!!! You can see all of her video's on YouTube or just visit her homepage. You so have to check her out!

and here my favourite song ever.. performed by the awesomly talented Kina Grannis!

how awesome the internet is when it comes to showing the world how talented you are!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A New Earth

Today i gonna share something very important to me right now in my life! The book
"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

Thank god for Oprah and here wise decision to choose this book for her Book Club, cause i would have never picked it up in a bookstore myself. If you haven't read it by now.. please go to the store right now and get it! It is so important for everyone in this world.

i have to say it is sometimes a little hard for me to understand everything, but thank god again for Oprah, she has that Class going, where Eckhart and Oprah are both answering questions and explaining it step by step. Even my husband joined me yesterday evening to watch the class online! And how crazy, people all over the world are online with you watching the class and joining in and getting awaken to their lifes purpose! really.. go and check it out! and don't you think i am a freak or so.. this is really nothing weird at all!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

this is.. my creation!

one of my first creations since i got my sewing maschine.. a cute bib for my daugther ally!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

wOrking with tExtures..

i have a nEw tHing i am trying out tHese daYs.. teXtures! how fun and not vErY simpLe at aLL.
here a try!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i just found something so great...

tHat i haVe to blog abOUt tHat riGht aWay!!!! pLease cHeck tHis weBsite ouT aNd thE comPanY and spRead thE woRd!!!!
i tHink tHis is veRy vEry imPortant foR aLL oF uS anD the peOpLe liVing in poVertY in tHis woRlD!!!!

i got tagged..

by Christina&David !! how fun! took me a little while but today i am finally doing it.. so here we go!

six VERY unimPorTand and bOrinG tHinGs abOUt me!

1. i am addicted to ORBIT balance cHeWing gUm
2. i alwaYs gEt swiRls iN mY hAir dOwn bY mY necK!!!! hATE iT!!!
3. i haTe to sHoWer iN wiNter aNd i LovE to iN sUMmeR
4. i loVe sNowdaYs wHere tHere is no scHooL aNd i CaN scRApbOOk aLL daY
5. i wAtcH bAvarian mOviEs aLL tHe timE wHen mY huSbanD iS ouT foR woRk.. keePs
baVaRia cLose
6. in sUmmer i wAke uP wiTh tHe sunRise caUse i AM sCarEd to miSS sOmethinG or tO
WaSte aNY oF tHat beauTifuL suMmer daY

so How inTereSting.. ha!

aNd heRE tHe peOpLe i taGGed...

1. Beth Jansen
2. manon
3. Rachel
4. Anna Maria Horner
5. Sandi Henderson
6. Denise Bovee

so that was it!

this is... looking out my frontdoor!

okay okay i am late! but better later than never.. like the other this is.. the last weeks! so this is my view out of my front door! pretty snowy, ha??

Monday, March 3, 2008

leona lewis.. she is soooo talented!

this is... what makes me laugh out loud!

sorry i am so behind with THIS IS... but i am in germany still. but here is finally "this is.. what makes me laugh out loud! the film mädchen mädchen 2!!! girls girls 2!!!! to bad it is not available in english cause the movie is so funny and even after the seventh time i am still laughing my butt up.the first movie was good too but this one is SUPER GREAT!!! my first choice when i need something to make me laugh.. right after Bridget Jones!