WE can solve the climate crisis
Thursday, August 7, 2008
New BLOG called AR Photography and Anne Reuter

Sunday, July 27, 2008
i got some pictures of me..
But i have to admit, with that new equipment even a goofball like me can look good..
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Faire Queens
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pope Danny
We are all so sad.. he will be missed dearly!
I knew Grandpa just for three years.. but it feels like he has always been my grandpa. When i was pregnant with Ally and new to America, he drove me to all my doctor's appointments and waited all the time patiently. Grandma used to say that grandpa and i are having a date.
And that he was a great man and well known and loved got visible when there was the visit for Grandpa on Friday. Around 350 people showed up to say goodbye! It was so wonderful! And not talking about all the flowers people sent. I've never seen so many flowers before. I know grandpa got a kick out all of that! And specialy out the fishingpull and GONE FISHING sign he got put into his casket. I know he loved that!
The broken Chain
We litle knew that morning, that God
was going to call your name.
In life we love you dearly,
in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;
for part of us went with you,
the day God called your home.
You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide;
and though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
but as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.
author unknown
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
sorry.. it took me so long

Is it only me here who get's followed by bad weather and storms or are there more of me out there???
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My find of the week.. FIT FLOPS

i bought them in silver, cause i thought that it would be a great color to wear with everything.. from sporty to even more resort like outfits! i love to wear linen pants and i believe they will look fantastic with them.
But i am already thinking about gettin me RED ones too! so if you wanna give your legs a workout while getting some groceries or just going for a small walk.. go and get yourself some fit flops!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My "found" of the week

Monday, May 5, 2008
this is.. the shoes i would sleep in

the Zoo and Ally's first Birthday
Jonathon made a sandbox for Ally in our backyard and she love it..

And i think i shouldn't have left my husband alone with the sandbox and his idea's! Cause when i came back out of the house a half hour later i found a army sandbox in my backyard.

Crazy how time flys by and we already have now a one year old daugther! And how big she already is in how she acts and does! How fun to see her all excited about her cake and the presents.
Or when we we're at the zoo.. she was sooo excited about the animals and the giraffe's in particular!
And i was totally freaked out by those koi's. Have you ever seen that before??? They been almost lifting themselves up out of the water to get food from the people. Crazy!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
my city.. REGENSBURG
Regensburg is in Bavaria, Germany! 1 hour north from Munich and the Oktoberfest and full of historical things to see.

And if there is something for sure, than that a street fest in Regensburg means always, great food, good music and a lot of fun! Oh do i miss the bridge fest with all those great bands!!!

this is.. my favourite book

What a great writer! I read her books mostly in german.. and it makes me feel home! Probably cause I am from REGENSBURG.. the most northern Italien City, if she would be Italien! kinda.. whatever.. go to Amazon and get you a copy of her fantastic books! Feels like an Italy vacation!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
this is.. my latest discovery

Thank you so much to Enni from Germany, who whispered me this little non-secret over at my Scrap the night away blog!!!! Saved kinda my freetime, Enni!! And my germany-blues!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
this is... my perfect dinner party
so my first thoughts about my perfect dinner party went immediately to my old friends and the wish to get us all together again and have a good time!
so here my guest list..
first of course my two best friends ALI und TINA! no party without my girls. What a happy person i am to have two sooo close people in my life even if we are continents apart!

and no party without fabio... of course! i think i can start to put the Jägermeister into the freezer. as you can see he is now a barkeeper in the ESCO bar. So if you will ever happen to be in Regensburg/Bavaria.. than of course you have to go and visit him.. he love's women..

...and than of course my special five! those four guys have to come and i hope we would be able to catch up on old good times!

..and Jon and mine dearest friends Ilihana and Daniel. We can't wait until they move to Texas and we are not seperated by an ocean anymore! Just by a couple (ha ha) of states!
Michael on of my special five's.. he has to get named seperate cause he is family. Would have almost been my brother in law.. but oh well.. i think the girl he is dating now is perfect for him. Even if she is not my sister!
and of course the guys jonathon worked with in germany/hohenfels! we had so many fun party's with them in this small time! and Jonathon even more fun experiences with them laying in the mud side by side.
A very special friend of Jonathon.. Afoa.
... the rest of the party! What a fun fun party that would be..!!!!
OH and the live music of course would come from the FOUR DRUNKEN DADDIES.. Fabio's band!
so LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i wish i could only invite my old figure too!!!! lol)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Spring is finally here!!!

not too long and you will hear me huffin and puffin over the hot weather in iowa.. and the humidity! but how do we say here.. if you don't like the weather in iowa, wait five minutes!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
and this is..
Monday, March 31, 2008
this is.. the content of my handbag!

have you noticed that i am slightly addicted to chewing gum. the only problem is, that it is german chewing gum and so far not produced here in the usa. as far as i know. so hello care-packages from mama and grandma!
oh and i also right now need that little blue pregnancy fairy i got froma dear friend in germany.. when i was pregnant with Ally. Cause Ally is terribly ill and suffers sooo bad from it. She got the flu bug kinda combinated with an ear infection. gosh i wish we would already been to the doctor and she would feel good again. my poor little thing.
so the pregnancy fairy is another cute story.. i got her from Franzi in hope she would bring me luck. i had a little terrifying start with Ally, cause i figured out that i was pregnant way to early. And so when i came to the doctor for the first check, he couldn't see anything yet and something with the pregnancy hormons in my blood weren't right either.. so he thought it could be that the egg is not where it is supposed to be but somewhere on the left or right.. which would mean i had to get surgery and i would loose the baby.
we were so sad and i had to go to the hospital every second day to get my blood checked if the hormons doubled and than in maybe a week or two they said that they could tell me more. so the day i went to have a ultrasound she gave me that little fairy and wished Ally and me all luck in the world.. and later on in the ultrasound.. there was Ally.. at the right spot, just a little later than the doctor predicted. so this little fairy is very important to us and whenever somebody in the family is in need of her, she walks along with them for that while!