WE can solve the climate crisis

Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

mY fiRst phOto shOot!!

mY loveLy siSter in Law gaVe mE tHe huGe hoNor to bE mY fiRst senIor picture cLienT eVer!!!! i wAs sooo nERvous aT ouR fiRst shoot.. hAd tO tHInk aLmost Loud tO noT forget tHe haLf. buT i tHink.. oNce i sHot a cOUpLe of piCs it tUrned iNto a pREttY gOod shoot. sO hERe are a cOUpLe oF mY firSt seNior piCtures eVer.. aNd i hOpe tHose aRe noT mY lASt!

1 comment:

Manon said...

Wow die sehen echt super cool aus.