WE can solve the climate crisis
Here a wonderful inspiring speech from Al Gore!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
HELLO from good old Germany
I aM soooo sORRy thAt tHis heRE is my fiRst poST since twO weeKs.. oNe week??! buT i haVe a verY good excuse!!! i aM on vaCatIon in mY hoMeLand gERmaNy anD oF couRse those first couple of days i haD to reunite with so many PeoPLe aNd thIngs tHat i haRdLy haD tIme to sLeep. i eVen haVe to borough a picture frOm mY sisTer cauSE mY caMera iS aT a sHop aNd iS geTTin an all oVer cLeaning. and i don't liKe poSTs witHout picTureS.
so heRe soMe stReet arT frOm tHe stReets of rEgenSburg aNd photOgrapHed bY mY littLe siSter maRie. as sooN aS i geT mY caMera baCk i wiLL sHare sOme vaCatiOn pictUres frOm mY bEAutiFuL hoMetoWn!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
mY fiRst phOto shOot!!
mY loveLy siSter in Law gaVe mE tHe huGe hoNor to bE mY fiRst senIor picture cLienT eVer!!!! i wAs sooo nERvous aT ouR fiRst shoot.. hAd tO tHInk aLmost Loud tO noT forget tHe haLf. buT i tHink.. oNce i sHot a cOUpLe of piCs it tUrned iNto a pREttY gOod shoot. sO hERe are a cOUpLe oF mY firSt seNior piCtures eVer.. aNd i hOpe tHose aRe noT mY lASt! 

Monday, February 4, 2008
this is.. my collection
sorry iT tooK me daYs tO bLog aGain.. i aM sOOO buSy wiTh mY neW prOjeCt i wiLL giVe yOU a peeK oF aNd witH geTTin reAdy tO gO to gerManY fOr 4 weeKs tO viSit mY faMiLy!!! buT fiRSt.. mY insaNe cOLLecTion oF bAre ESSentiaL cOsmeTics!!!

now iT is oFFiciaL.. i aM nuTs! but tHis stUff is juSt too gOod to rEsitSt!!!!! iF iT wouLdn'T be juSt sooo stinKen EXpeNsiVE!
and Here a PeeKie oF mY neW prOject.. buT i woN't teLL aNYthIng untiL i HaVe iT aLL figUred ouT aNd iT iS reAdY to gEt sHown oFF!

i wiLL woRk oN it verY hard tHru tHe tIMe i aM in gerMany.. i aM soooo lOOking fOrwARd tO thAt tiMe!!! juSt tHe fLight tO gerMany witH mY 9 Month oLd dauGther giVes mE stOmach aches... aNybodY sOme suGGestIons???? anYbodY???? bUt doN't wOrRy.. mY pARenTs haVe internet.. so i wILL poSt frOm tHere too!!!
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